Karen Foster
I have lived in Bartlett and have been a member of St. Peter Damian for over 15 years. All three of my children were Baptized and made their Communions here. I have had the pleasure of teaching Religious Education at St. Peter Damian for six years, and seeing three classes make their Communions. I also taught preschool Religious Education in Elk Grove Village, where I am from, in my college years.
I have a Bachelors of Science in Special Education from Northern Illinois University, and earned my Elementary Certification soon after graduating with my Bachelors. I then earned my Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from NIU. I taught elementary special education for six years as well as special education for three summers at a neighboring district.
While I have been a stay at home mom to my three kids, I have been very involved with working with children. I volunteered in their classrooms, their elementary school library, was a Girl Scout leader for four years, and taught Religious Education. Three years ago, I started subbing at Precious Tots, and then at a neighboring Park District Preschool and eventually U-46. Now that my children are older, I am very excited to spend more time interacting with young children at Precious Tots. I am excited to join this exceptional staff.